Understanding AC and Dc current |Difference between AC and DC current

AC and DC current Let’s start with the introduction of the new article “AC and DC current.   Most of the countries in the world including India use an ac…

What is a Galvanometer ? Principle, Construction and Working

What is a Galvanometer?  Let’s start with the introduction of the New article “What is a galvanometer”. A galvanometer is a permanent magnet moving coil (PMMC) instrument that is designed…

Star to Delta Starter? Explanation, Theory, Advantages and Disadvantages

What is a Star to Delta starter?  Star to Delta starter or star-delta starter is one of the most common methods used for starting of three-phase induction motor. When the…

Hysteresis Loss and Formula of Hysteresis loss

Hysteresis Loss and Magnetization curve MAGNETISATION CURVE OR B-H CURVE The curve drawn giving the relationship between magnetic flux density (B) and the magnetizing force (H)is known as the magnetization…

What is Relay| History and Working of Relay

What is Relay? A relay is a device that opens and closes an auxiliary circuit under predetermined conditions in the main circuit. Relays are extensively used in electrical, electronics engineering,…

Single Phase Induction Motor| Construction & Working| Advantages and Disadvantages

Single Phase Induction Motor A single-phase induction motor in its physical appearance is similar to a three-phase squirrel cage induction motor. The 1-Φ phase induction motor has a distributed single-phase…

What is semiconductor? Properties and Types of semiconductor

WHAT IS  SEMICONDUCTOR? A semiconductor is defined as a substance whose electrical conductivity is intermediate between metallic conductors and non-metallic insulators. In other words, we can also define semiconductor as…

Maximum Power Transfer Theorem | Proof and Application

MAXIMUM POWER TRANSFER THEOREM The Maximum Power Transfer theorem is one of the useful methods in circuit analysis to find the value of load resistance when there would be the…

Zener Diode as a Voltage regulator With Complete Explanation

Zener Diode as a Voltage Regulator   Zener Diode  A Zener diode is a P-N junction diode that is specially designed for operation in the breakdown region in reverse bias…

What is a Fuse? Definition ,Working, Advantages and Disadvantages

What is a fuse? Let’s start with the introduction of the topic ” what is a fuse”. Fuses is current interrupting devices connected in series with the circuits to break…